Davis Ford Park
We had a tremendous turnout of over 100 people on Saturday, January 13th for the Davis Ford Park Walk. This was an event to acknowledge the securing of funding for the Park Master Plan and for folks to be able to see what the park area looks like right now.
There were attendees from the Prince William Conservation Alliance, the Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition, the Prince William Trails and Blueways Council, the Lake Ridge Occoquan Coles Civic Association, the Historical Commission, Historic Prince William, Centennial Garden Club, the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust and more. Occoquan District Supervisor Kenny Boddye, who initiated the funding request for the Master Plan was in attendance and spoke to the group. There were also speakers from some of the other groups that provided information on specific subjects at various points on the walk.
Now we're looking forward to working with all parties to get this park open to the public as soon as we can.
There were attendees from the Prince William Conservation Alliance, the Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition, the Prince William Trails and Blueways Council, the Lake Ridge Occoquan Coles Civic Association, the Historical Commission, Historic Prince William, Centennial Garden Club, the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust and more. Occoquan District Supervisor Kenny Boddye, who initiated the funding request for the Master Plan was in attendance and spoke to the group. There were also speakers from some of the other groups that provided information on specific subjects at various points on the walk.
Now we're looking forward to working with all parties to get this park open to the public as soon as we can.