The MIDCO Board Of Directors
The MIDCO board of directors is made up of Officers and Directors. Officers are Directors with specific duties, such as Treasurer, etc. Below are brief bios for the current Directors.
President- Martin Jeter
Martin is a native of the Washington area and has been a resident of Prince William County since 1983. He's been involved in community initiatives and volunteer organizations since shortly after arriving in the county. He has worked on issues including the proposed Lego theme park project on the Cherry Hill peninsula and the proposed Disney theme park and large housing project in Haymarket. He was part of the team who advocated successfully for the formation of the National Wildlife Refuge at the former U. S. Army Harry Diamond Facility located near the confluence of the Occoquan and Potomac Rivers. Prior to forming MIDCO, he was also involved with various projects in the Davis Ford Road corridor, including initiatives that defeated a proposed increase in allowed housing density in the mid-county area and the reclassification of Davis Ford Road.
He is past president (14 years duration) of the Lake Occoquan Club Homeowners Association, a past board member of the Prince William Conservation Alliance, and the MIDCO president since 2005. He serves or has served on the Prince William County Citizens Resource Protection Area Committee, the Davis Ford Sewage Treatment Plant Advisory Committee, the Occoquan Non-Point Source Management Program's Technical Advisory Committee of the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, the Prince William Police Department Citizens Advisory Board, the Prince William County Strategic Plan Committee, the Prince William County Sustainability Commission, and the Chesapeake Bay Area Review Board.
He has worked in the past with local Habitat for Humanity affiliates to construct four area houses. He held a racing license from the Sports Car Club of America for over 25 years, and an instructor's license for most of that time.
Martin is retired from a 39-year career in mobile source air quality (vehicle emissions)- first testing motor vehicle emissions under a federal EPA contract for 23 years, and then for 16 years as part of a team overseeing Virginia's vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. He resides in the Lake Occoquan Club community in Woodbridge with his wife, Sandy.
Vice President- Delton Nichols
Delton Nichols has been a county resident since 1999. He and his wife, Laura, live in the Hunters Ridge community in mid-county where he has served on the HOA Board of Directors for many years. He is a retired US Army officer. Delton also was a civil servant with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) where he was a training and curriculum officer, assessment manager, deputy director, and director of HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center. He holds a BA in Business Administration, a Master of Divinity, and a Master of Theology.
While at HUD, he oversaw HUD’s nation-wide physical inspection program that involved all public and multifamily housing entities that HUD had an interest in. That oversight also included improper payments, audited and unaudited financial statements review, management operations assessments, resident surveys administration and review, and operating funds disbursement.
Delton and his family selected Prince William County to live over all surrounding counties in Northern Virginia and Maryland because of the county’s natural beauty, pristine forestry, rural landscapes, and balanced and responsible urbanization.
Treasurer- Bonnie Little
Bonnie Little has been a resident of Prince William County since 1973. She is a retired middle school teacher, having taught for 31 years in Fairfax and most recently in Prince William. She is a member and treasurer of the Trowel Garden Club and a member and treasurer of the Lake Ridge Parks and Rec Ladies' Golf League. She works with the Salvation Army on their Angel Tree program.
Bonnie lives in the Windsor Estates community with her husband Jim.
Secretary- Vacant
Director- Al Harris
Al is originally from St. Louis. He moved to Prince William County
in 1981 after 13 years in Chicago.
Military service- US Army Corps of Engineers and Army
Recruiting service 1965 - 1968 followed by a 35 year career
at ExxonMobil in software development and implementation,
domestic and international. Educational background in
information technology with degrees in data processing and
information technology project management. Project
Management Professional (PMP) certification.
Service to Prince William County between late 1980's to
early 2000's on comprehensive plan update citizen's
advisory committee, sewer in the green committee, and
zoning ordnance review committee. Previously active in
Buckhall Civic Association. Volunteer service to Habitat
for Humanity and Project Management Institute.
Director- Henry Bibber
Henry is a past Planning Director for PWC. He has been involved in the community for many years as an advocate for quality growth.
Director-Craig Clauss
A resident of VA since 1993 and Prince William County since 1998, Mr. Clauss lives in Riverview Estates with his wife Jill and two daughters. Mr. Clauss holds a masters degree in Aerospace Engineering and previously worked in Gainesville as an propulsion engineer for over 10 years. Mr. Clauss currently is employed by the U.S. Navy where he does spacecraft engineering for the Naval Center for Space Technology.
Director- Jill Clauss
Jill is an environmental engineer and a mother of two.
Director- Dan Leahy
Dan Leahy has resided in Prince William County since 1977. He has four children all of whom graduated
from county high schools. He retired from the federal government with over 30 years of public service in
the area of international trade. He moved to Woodbine Woods in 2001 and quickly became involved in
community matters. He served as President of the Woodbine Woods Civic Association for a number of
years and has been an election officer since 2004. Dan is also a member of the Lifelong Learning
Institute—Manassas (LLI), an organization providing educational and social opportunities to seniors. He
is a past president of LLI and currently is a member of the program committee.